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Monday, March 07, 2005
  I found my motivation...or better it found me!
I have been posting and talking about how I'm having trouble getting back to the tables prior to reaching my goal of $5000. I had posted this on the 72os.com forum:

I'm a planner, always have been always will be (not always writing them down). I've laid out my plan for 2005 in the poker world and have set it into motion this week. After putting $400 into Pacific Poker, I was able to cash $800 out and get a nice 500 chip set for my home games. I'm going to put $600 into FullTilt and get their 100% match, and put the rest in AP once they offer another 15% bonus. I've reached my goal in 2004 of being at $5000 by the years end. I've tapped in to some of that money to pay for Christmas, Lasik, new monitor, and set some back for my property taxes. This is going to leave me with $1800-$2000 to start fresh in the new year. My goal now is to be at 10K to 15K by July, and see if I want to consider playing full time. I'm not going to publicly track this goal dollar wise. I will be giving updates and thoughts on where I'm at, and will let you know where I stand in July.

and had got this response back from a memeber:

Hey Josh, Make you a deal. If u hit $10000 by May 5thI may be willing to fly you and ur family out to vegas to watch me play in a WSOP main event plus stake you in the 1,000 buy in satallite hold'em for a chance to play in the main event.. Just as a added bonus =) The satellite is scheduled for July 6th with the main event starting on the 7th. Good luck to ya man. Set your goals high man, and lets turn 72os.com into a powerhouse.

So am going get back the grinding that I've been use to. This is a goal I'm really going to shoot to reach, but is going to take some good play, good luck, and maybe a few good bonuses here and there. Vegas or bust baby!
Good Luck! I know you can do. Just remember all of us little people that have done nothing for you over the last 12 months. :)
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