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Thursday, February 17, 2005
  Lots of Questions, you got any anwsers?
"Have a game plan for your tournament. Decide if you are going to start out playing tight in the early rounds, or if are you going to play fast and try to accumulate chips early. Consider adjustments you might make if you get short of chips, if you get a large stack, or how you might adjust to different types of opponents styles.
Be prepared for everything!" - Brad Daugherty

I've got to find out how you get out fast in a tournament with out the deck hitting you in your face. I'm pretty sure it has to do with the fact that I play very tight in the first hour of a tournament. But lately I've been trying to limp with suited connectors and small pocket pairs. For the most part it hasn't worked for me. I use to have a style of play that work very well for me, but I'm off of it.

I've got a poker funk over me right now. I'm not grinding at the limit tables like I use to. I'm not focused like I should be when I sit to play a tournament. I know I'm multi-tasking when I'm playing. Ok now I know it, and have put it in writing I'm going to stop...I hope that is the case.
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